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Lucy OHara replied to John Trampush's discussion Webinar #3: Integration, Assimilation and Resiliency- Discussion Questions in Encounters in AK Studies
"Resiliency is needed to  survive as individuals and as cultural groups.  Attu Boy is a great example of how a young boy struggled to survive despite death, starvation and the many hardships he faced.  As a young boy and later in his life he had to…"
Mar 21, 2016
Lucy OHara replied to John Trampush's discussion Webinar #2: Cultures Collide- Discussion Questions in Encounters in AK Studies
"Question 1:    Whether it is the AK Native identity or the identity of any other culture, so much lies "beneath the surface. "  Each of us are a compilation of the values, traditions and culture in which we have been taught and found important to…"
Feb 21, 2016
Lucy OHara replied to John Trampush's discussion Webinar #1: Migrations- Discussion Questions in Encounters in AK Studies
"*Which themes were highlighted in the Migrations lecture?
Even though I have lived in Alaska most of my life I was once again reminded of how many amazing resources and diverse biomes we have in Alaska and how through the centuries people that have…"
Feb 6, 2016