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  • I think that when I teach 6th grade social studies, I will try to integrate the Charleston into the instruction.

    I liked the exercise where we looked at pictures from different eras and to evaluate what they wore.  They then can make conclusions of how women were viewed and how the outlook has changed.  When I teach women's suffrage this would be a neat study for students.

    There are so many great examples of music from this ear since they could record sound by this time.  I think that students would get a lot out of listening to the music and trying to determine what was going on when the song was written.  It would also be fun to compare it to clean, modern music examples and use it as a conversation for the students since most of them really don't listen to the words of their music.  

  • Okay. I finally get the purpose of the ARS. It's a collection for short bits of "stuff" for a unit rather than all the things one might use in a unit. That helps. I'm not sure I would use the template for unit planning. I might just use Library of Congress materials in my unit document.

    I must say it was vastly fun to dance the Charleston and see the video clip. I'm sure we looked just like the clip. Uh huh. I will absolutely do this dance with my students. I will also use the great quietyoutube and savefromnet.

    The Bessie Smith lyrics go so well with the Depression Era - great story behind them. The images comparing women's roles are good fodder for discussions not just about women's roles but cultural values and lifestyles of each time.

    My mom made Waldorf Salad all the time growing up and I make it too!

  • I really am fascinated with American life in the Roaring Twenties. I enjoyed learning how to do the Charleston (sort of), and really liked watching the videos too. I think it will be interesting to show my students the video of the dancing and have them compare it to trends in dancing that they are familiar with. It's really not so far apart!

    Also - I really liked listening to Bessie Smith. That's some good music.

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