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  • Thank you Tom for making modifications to include the 5th grade teachers and helping to make it a more meaningful class.  The primary sources you shared are "awesome"! ;-)

    Attached is my lessons for introducing the Constitution.

    Constitution Lesson.doc

  • Here are my lesson plans for a down and dirty fast unit on the Constitution

    Constitution Lesson.wps

  • Attached is one of my lesson plans for vocabulary.  I teach 5th grade however the lesson will benefit any age group with the drawing portion of the lesson and the cooperative learning strategy " Find Someone Who"


  • This is my lesson plan on the constitution.

    Social studies- constitution lesson.doc

  • Attached is my lesson plan focused on Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal policy and the Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia.


  • Hi Tom!

    Thanks for an engaging, up beat, and great class to begin my summer!

    Hope you had a great trip to the end of the road...Homer!

    Attached is my 5th Grade Lesson Plan.  At this point in their education, 5th graders are just being introduced to our Constitution and this lesson plan is geared to do just that.


    5th Grade - U.S. Constitution Lesson Plan .doc

  • Here is the constitutional unit lesson plan for Keith Kuipers and me.  Thanks again for a great class and I hope you enjoyed your trip to Homer.


    Constitution in the Classroom1.docx

  • Hi Everyone.  What fun! 

    Tom, thanks for a wonderful class experience and for making it fit a fifth grade model.  You are the best!!

    Fish On!!



  • I thought I would send along this "assessment" activity for the Suprme Court biography unit.  I have kids make trading cards (yes, you read that correctly).  They can do them for anything from Supreme Court Justices to the Amendments to the consitution, great court cases or whatever...I like them because kids have to research, find or make a graphic and then write just a few words--maybe a sentence or two about the topic.

    Try it, it is fun.

    Helmer's Supreme Court Trading Cards.docx

  • Hi, not sure that the last post really worked so here goes again.  Linked to this are my lesson plans for a 3-4 unit on biographies of the Supreme Court Justices  and a 5th grade unit on Brown v.Board of Education using primary source documents/materials and cartoons.  



    Constitution Class Brown v Board unit lesson plans --Helmer.doc

    Constitution Class unit for 3 and 4th grade --Biographies about Sup...

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