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It's always challenging being a teacher, but what are the main challenges that we as social studies teachers face in Alaska in the year 2020?  And how do you think we as a profession (and as a society) should deal with those challenges?

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  • Distance and isolation has always been a challenge in Alaska.  Also connectivity and devices. This year has defintely proven that.  However, it has also produced ways for us to connect on different platforms, collobarate, and ease some of the isolation felt by teachers.  Alaska becasue of it's distance to the lower 48 sometimes thinks it is different and that we can't relate to events happening in the rest of the country.  But we can and we need to connect those issues with the issues happening with in our state and local communities.

    • Hi Michelle, I completely agree. For so many of us, we are the ONLY social studies teacher in the school or district. It can be lonely. I appreciate that with technology we have started to connect virtually, but I yearn for a social studies conference here in Alaska where we can all meet each other in person. 

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